Amanda Voisard is a visual journalist who specializes in social issue short-form multimedia projects. Voisard works for leading publications such as The Washington Post, MSNBC, Reuters, The Center for Investigative Reporting and is currently contracted as a photographer on retainer for UN Women HQ. Recently, she worked as a multimedia producer for the United Nations Mission in South Sudan covering the on-going civil-war and refugee crisis in neighboring Uganda. She was contracted for several years as a staff photographer at the UN, documenting foreign leaders in the halls of the United Nations Secretariat and abroad as the personal photographer to Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. In 2012, she received a MA in multimedia photography from Syracuse University during which time she also worked in the photography department at The Washington Post. Prior to this, Voisard was a member of the award winning staff at The Palm Beach Post.
south sudan refugees
Separation of Families
Kurdish in Turkey
waiting for manuel