MEET Samantha

Photo by Ilana Panich-Linsman ( @ilanapl ) for @mesa7media

Samantha is a Condom Saturation and Risk Reduction Specialist at Valley AIDS Council in McAllen, TX. “Everything I am, I get from my mom. She taught me that life is tough, and she also taught me that if life ever gives you lemons, well then you might as well go ahead and make lemonade - and enjoy it. She is my hero, without her, I would not be the strong, proud Latina woman of color that I am today. I am a Guerrera (warrior) that will fight for my family, friends and community.”

“So my message to my trans siblings out there is always walk with your head up high and feel proud to be transgender, drink that lemonade and take in this very important truth-YOU, TOO, ARE UNSTOPPABLE.”

MEET Micha

Photo by Christopher Smith ( @photo_smith ) for @mesa7media

Micha is a tireless force in her community in Lawrence, KS. She volunteers for multiple organizations, works as a music instructor and recording artist, and is a published author. She is also transgender.

“I share all the sides of myself with the hope that I will be able to transform the narrative shared around bodies of trans experience, specifically BIPOC trans folks… The root of my community engagement is centered in the understanding that until we are all free, none of us can stop the work. Collective liberation for all.”

MEET Keelan

Photo by @timmatsui for @mesa7media

Keelan is a transgender artist living in Seattle, WA, “Growing up, I never saw my whole self in mainstream media. My closest connection to representation were high-femme superheroes and villains I'd see in video games and anime. Eventually, I began drawing these characters and creating my own without realizing I was subconsciously expressing how I wanted to show up in the world.”

“One of my life goals is to be an example of authenticity. When you don't show up in the world as all of you, you are doing a disservice to yourself and others.”


Photo by @allisonshelley for @mesa7media

Allyn is a transgender activist living in Hampton, VA. Allyn balances his Army career with the raising of six-year-old C.J., the son of a cousin, running a non-profit he founded to support trans-masculine people of color, My Brother Too, and classes at Southern New Hampshire University, where he studies psychology. He has regular strategy sessions with other transgender community leaders, like Nyonna L. Byers, founder of Empowering Transgender Services, Inc., and London Bella, founder of The House of Bella, pictured.


photos by Amanda Voisard ( @akvoisard ) / @mesa7media

Dorcas, who is a 2020 graduate of Columbia University's Health Policy & Management masters program and was an Associate Graduate Intern at the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Epidemiology administration throughout the pandemic, said they believes all health is interconnected.

“As health providers refusal to treat LGBTQ+ patients continues to be legalized and debated, the visibility of Black trans people in public health is more important than ever. Beyond visibility, people should know there are public health specialists working to create better conditions in healthcare for our communities everywhere.”

Dorcas said they journal daily because they love writing and consider the positive mental health impact of writing a plus. They also frequent the barbershop. “My haircuts are really important to me. Who am I without my hairline, not me," said Dorcas.